So today was definitely better then past couple of days have been! I had left over sweet potato soup from last night for breakfast. Delicious! I had to go back to sleep for a while but Not before Passing my self-made Chinese test with a B+ !!! I get to go on to the next three lessons! Yay! 我爱普通话。

So after my nap, I got all of my pictures done and was able to clean them up a bit. I can't to post and share them with everyone! Most of them are from my middle and High school days. At least 2001-2007. They are poor quality because I had to take a picture of them, due to lack of scanner, but they still came out gorgeous.

As for my health, I got some relieving news from my own body today. Glad to say I don't have to worry about cancer any time soon.  HAHA. So I also figured out that I have small aura's or partial seizures. I get the funny feeling and that's when my typing and speech goes all wonky. I figure it must be due to the interference with my brain.

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    Passing of Days


    A 23 year old therian/otherkin with a seizure disorder.


    August 2012
    March 2012
    February 2012