My day has been going well. First off, I finally am starting to step up to the plate. I got the call from the Law firm that might be helping me with my case. I plan to try for disability again, I hope I can win. These past three years have been really tough on not just me, but my mother as well. We are both so in debt that we can't see the light at the end of the tunnel. But hopefully with Disability, I'll be able to start paying off all these hospital bills! We're also Starting to apply for Pre-Esixting condition Insurance. With that it might cover some of the costs for the surgery I may need (or any other treatment they think necessary.) that would leave disability to cover some to mostly all the rest. And what they don't, we can be sure to cover.

Now, I know the last time I wrote, i mentioned my two seizures last night. I'm still pretty sore from it all and VERY stiff. It hurts to move a lot. I've been awake all night and all day. Not my fault though, the Law firm called me early. Which is a good thing! But now I'm wiped out, exhausted and sore.

All rights go to Sakimi chan on
The last piece of news I have is that of the new controversial Kony 2012 Protests. They are trying to make this man, Joseph Kony, more popular around the world so that EVERYONE will know what he's doing. that way the higher officials will have no choice but to find and arrest this man. I'm Pro- Invisible Children 100% but there are many who believe this new NPO is a hoax or scam to steal money. The truth is, ICC is right! There have been over 30,000 children that have been kidnapped from their homes, forced to mutilate and kill their family and friends. The girls they grab, they off up as sex slaves for profit. They call this child Army the LCA. And he's still at it, gaining more children for his own power. I'm all for protecting the rest of these children that are alive and keeping that as innocent as possible.

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    Passing of Days


    A 23 year old therian/otherkin with a seizure disorder.


    August 2012
    March 2012
    February 2012