Well, I definitely have a stronger connection to my wolf side at the moment. I have full control of my phantom limbs and I can practically feel the earth underneath my paws. I know it's not really there, sadly, but the feeling remains. It makes me wonder how I can feel it in my hands, fingers. Maybe it's Psychological in some ways. If my therian side tells me brain to tell my hands to feel like it's touching grass or dirt... of course they would respond as such. I miss the snow though! What I would give to feel the crunch under me. the nippy cold clearing my lungs out and the wind whipping my fur around.

On the other hand, my hybrid Elf - Fae is getting much stronger. I can practically feel energy swarming around me. I can direct it towards people and I learn quickly which energy means which mood in people. It's begun to play a critical part of my daily life. I feel for were I step next in a conversation. I also can feel my Fae claws more often and a spark from my rarely used wings. I've also met my past mate. It was a female Wood Elf that I now call Senna. She was beautiful and kind. I hope to see her again someday.

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    Passing of Days


    A 23 year old therian/otherkin with a seizure disorder.


    August 2012
    March 2012
    February 2012