This is the first time I've ever had a blog. Since I'm on the computer so often, I'm hoping this will help me to remember to keep a diary of my seizures and the other events of my life.

At the moment, the doctors have diagnosed me with cervical osteophytes and foraminal stenosis.   For those of you who don't know medical terminology, that means I have bone spurs and the narrowing of my foramina on my spine in my neck. The bone spurs have been located on my C3 vertebrae and are currently trying to fuse together onto my C4 vertebrae. Due to the increased pressure to fuse the bones together it is squeezing the foramina in my spine, narrowing it more and more. Eventually it will cut into my nerves in that area. I currently take 50 MG of Lyrica. I will need surgery to remove the bone spurs and possible to open up the foramina a bit. It all depends on my doctors. I'm scared that they won't agree and make me live with it.

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    Passing of Days


    A 23 year old therian/otherkin with a seizure disorder.


    August 2012
    March 2012
    February 2012